Table Tennis Glue Sheet

by Varghese on January 6, 2008

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Glue sheet is a plastic sheet with glue on both sides. The glue sheets come from table tennis manufactures such as TIBHAR, Donic and Joola. I bought few sheets recently, and found out that the sheets that Joola sells come from 3COM. The glue on the glue sheet should be ITTF approved.

Why I had to use glue sheets? I recently played at the 2007 US Nationals, and I did not want to glue the rubber sheet every day – to save time. Secondly I did not want to change the characteristics of my blade with re-gluing every day.

I would say honestly that I hate re-gluing. The glue sheet comes in handy if you have to glue your rubber regularly, and hate re-gluing. However, there will be change of some characteristics of your blade that you will notice after using the glue sheet. The glue sheets are the best for no-sponge rubbers like pips-out OX versions, but not for regular inverted rubbers having sponges.

The important change you will notice after using a glue sheet is that the sound of ball hitting on the blade will change. On some blades, you won’t hear any sound – will be muted, and on some it will be the sound of hitting inside of a soda can. You will also notice a change of the flight and spin of the ball with glue sheet.

Instructions to use glue sheet:

1. Before you use glue sheets on a blade, seal the blade very well. Buy a small bottle of varnish from some table tennis store, and put the varnish on the blade couple of times.
2. Glue the sheet to the blade after the blade becomes dry.
3. Make sure the sponge is even. If there is already glue on the sponge, remove it completely. If the sponge is not even, you will notice bubbles on the rubber after you put the glue.
4. Now put the sponge side of the rubber on the blade to stick with the glue sheet.
5. Cut the rubber and the sheet to the size of the blade with a sharp scissor. When
you cut the glue sheet, it is possible that the sheet will become sticky to the scissor, so cut it slowly.

Be careful when you remove the glue sheet from the blade. If you haven’t sealed the blade before, it is possible that the glue sheet can spoil the blade. The blade fibers can come out when you peel off the glue sheet from the blade. I did not have the problem because I sealed the blade very well.

I will suggest the glue sheets to be used on no-sponge versions of rubbers.  I will not suggest the glue sheets to be used on fast and high friction rubbers, and is not suitable for high rated players who have great control of the balls – it is better to use regular or speed glue.

The glue sheets should not be used on tuned rubbers like Joola Mambo Tuned, Dr.Neubauer Domination Tuned. The sheets will prevent the rubbers to expand.

The glue sheets that I’ve used lasted for only few days. I noticed a kind of vacuum between the rubber the blade after some 5 days. I had to remove the glue sheet and re-glue with regular glue.

When you buy the glue sheet, make sure the glue sheet is VOC free.

If you don’t have at least $10 dollar to spend for regular table tennis glues, the glue sheets are cheaper and good - it can save of your time.

Sponsor Ad: TableTennisStore.US - 1000 XIOM, TSP, JOOLA, CHAMPION table tennis products! complete table tennis store and ping pong store for table tennis players

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A. Wong January 29, 2008 at 12:07 am

I am a Chinese old man living in San Leandro city (near Oakland) and want to join playing Ping Pong balls near by Oakland or San Leandro etc….

Please provide me with the addresses where I can go for this purpose.

A. Wong


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